When you invite people into your home, how welcoming it is to meet them at the door with a smile that says, âI am so glad you are here!â The Greeters at St. Vincentâs Church do exactly that: they welcome parishioners and visitors alike with a smile, a handshake, and a greeting that says, âYou are part of our parish family, and we invite you to worship; weâre so glad youâre here!â As one minister said, âWe are the first point of contact; the impression we make can say so much about us as a community.â We gratefully acknowledge and thank our devoted parishioners who have answered the call to help. If you, too, feel called to offer your stewardship of time and talent, additional ministers are needed at the 5:00 p.m. Saturday Mass, and the 10:30 a.m. Sunday Mass.
Please call Janet Clark at  762-4278, (call the rectory and leave a message for Joanne and she will return your call) . She will welcome you to the ministry!
One little girl in a pew watched the gentleman usher gracefully pass the wicker collection basket row by row at her church, and she wished that one day she could have that job. Whispered prayers are heard, too, and now, years later she and her bright, welcoming smile accompany the collection basket as St. Vincentâs Church. The stewards of this ministry take on several jobs: they cue the faithful by row when it is time to receive Communion, they count Mass attendees at specified times of the year, they find seats for families at the busy Christmas and Easter celebrations, they collect the weekly offerings which support all aspects of the Church, and they make sure that the main offering basket at the foot of the altar is secured in the sacristy after Mass. We are grateful to all of our ushers, and Lori Nelson, who heads this ministry, welcomes women, men, and older children to join them.  They particularly need assistance at the 10:30 a.m. Mass.
If this gift of time is a way in which you would like to offer your stewardship to St. Vincentâs, please call Lori at  the church rectory, 762-4278, leave a message and she will return your call.
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