Pastor’s Desk ~ September 15, 2024

Dear Fellow Parishioners, 

Beginning this school year, St. Vincent Elementary School changed its First Friday and Holy Day Mass schedules to accommodate an extra two hours of classroom time on those days. In the past, the First Friday Mass began around 10:40 am, ended before 12 noon, and students were free for the day. From now on, our Mass begins at 12:30 pm with dismissal after Mass, i.e., 1:15 pm, I mention this for those of you who attend those Masses.

Happily, this year Friday, October 4 is both First Friday and the Feast of St. Francis, which is the traditional day for the Blessing of Animals, whether religious or secular.

There were even pre-Christian blessings of animals, notably in the blessing of bees. Bees are referenced 66 times in the Bible, not to mention the references in non-Biblical liturgical texts, such as the “Exultet” chanted or spoken every Easter Vigil.

The most recent revolution in appreciation of animals has happened over the past 100 years or so; the transition from animals used as impersonal instruments of human labor to animals as human companions, pets and friends. The genius of St. Francis of Assisi was that, in seeing all animals as sentient beings, he experienced all of creation (on this as well as other planets) as brimming with divine life. In doing so, he can rightly be regarded as the Patron Saint of Ecology.

One of the best parts of the Blessing of the Animals is the effect it has on the children.

While Friday, October 4 at 12:30 pm is a school Mass, I would like to invite the wider parish community to this Mass, and/or the Blessing of the Animals (with your favorite non-human) in the Church Plaza and Triangle Park at 1:15 pm immediately after the Mass. Adults and children are encouraged to bring domesticated animals, fully controlled (plus a plastic bag for clean-up, if needed) to the park after Mass (not to Mass!). I also encourage those with toy and stuffed animals to bring them as well, along with photos of beloved pets of past or present.

I’m giving advance notice on this feast day as it is truly a grace note, sounded during the harvest season, of the beauties of Fall now upon us, and of the faith that brings them alive to us.

Fr. Bill DonahueÂ