*During this time of the Covid-19 pandemic, this ministry is suspended until further notice.

No matter where you are in the world, we, as Catholics, have the celebration of the Mass available to us.Ā  Regardless of the language, we will recognize the universal and ageless rituals, and the solidarity of receiving the Eucharist in a community of Christians where ā€œAmenā€ is understood wherever it is spoken.Ā  This opportunity may be something we all take for granted from time to time, but parishioners dealing with extended illness know what it feels like when you simply cannot get to church.Ā  There is a real sense of disconnect and loss.Ā  Fortunately for all of us at St. Vincentā€™s, we have our Eucharistic Ministry to the Sick.Ā  After contact is made with the person, the family, or the caregiver, our deacon, Jim Carr, and 18 ministers share the gift of bringing Eucharist to the personā€™s home, or the nursing/convalescent home.Ā  They first discuss with the recipient how often they would like to receive, what prayers they would like to say, or what rituals of their own would provide comfort. Ā  The length of the visit varies from time to time, person to person, but many relationships develop with this ministry, and as so often happens, the giver becomes the receiver.

If this gift of time is a way in which you would like to offer your stewardship to the parish, please call Denise Lempiere,(leave a message for her at the rectory and she will call you back) 707-762-4278.