Pastor’s Desk ~ 2024

Dear Fellow Parishioners,

As we approach the end of the year, we are also coming to the close of the 2024 Annual Ministries Appeal. Sometimes this is incorrectly referred to as the “Bishop’s Appeal”, when in fact it is overwhelmingly an appeal to support lay ministries that the parishes share at the diocesan level. They include, but are not limited to, Religious Education, Adult Education, Catholic schools, Family Life, the Marriage Tribunal, legal services and risk prevention and, perhaps most importantly, our diocesan Safe Environment program, for the protection of children and young people entrusted to our care. All of these programs, and more, are relied upon by all parishes, including our own.

Our 2024 goal is $51,400, of which $32,400 has been received. Your contributions go 100% to meet the AMA goal without being “taxed” by the diocese. Any shortfall must be covered by regular plate income which is “taxed” by the diocese to the tune of 9%. In other words, if we meet this goal we will save the parish more than $1,000 in diocesan “taxes”.

As I’ve mentioned before, I ask you for money only as a last resort and when I have done all I reasonably can to reduce expenses. This is one of those times.

Fr. Bill Donahue

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