Weekly Envelopes
An easy means of giving and an excellent way to practice Stewardship. Using envelopes allows directed giving to both general and special collections throughout the year. A statement of contributions is sent to all envelope participants who have donated more than $250 at year-end. Please drop by the rectory to enroll and receive St. Vincent envelopes by mail. Envelopes are mailed monthly, and may be returned via the US Mail to St. Vincent de Paul Church.
Online Giving
I invite you to consider using our Parishsoft online giving. This program already accounts for nearly 40% of our weekly collection. It is a great tool to financially support our parish and our many ministries.
Using online giving allows you to make contributions from either your checking account or credit card. One of the great benefits of online giving is convenience. Once you set up your account, you can decide how often to give – once a week, monthly, annually or whenever you choose, and you will no longer receive offertory envelopes at your home.
Frequently Asked Questions About Online Giving:
Is it Secure? This service is provided by ParishSoft, a company that uses bank level security to provide secure online donations. Your donor data is secure: your transmission is unreadable by anyone other than yourself.
Do all of my donations go to St. Vincent’s? Yes.
Can I let the rectory office handle my online giving? There are two types of Online Givers. The Managed Giver gives his or her bank or credit card information to either of our Online Giving directors, Kim Williams or Sally Doolittle, and we will set up your account. The Independent Giver sets up their own account, and no one else has access to that information. Both type of accounts can be changed at any time.
Weekly Sunday Offering Basket
You are also welcome to drop cash or checks into the collection baskets that are provided at Mass.
Giving Securities
Stocks, bonds and mutual fund shares that have appreciated can be given to St. Vincent’s and deducted from your taxes as a charitable contribution for the full market value at the time the gift is made. In addition, Capital Gains Tax is not payable on the appreciated value. Before making a securities gift, please consult your tax advisor for specific details relevant to your tax situation. Please notify the parish office in writing of your intention to donate securities in order to ensure proper accounting and acknowledgment.