Every time a child is baptized, the community rejoices over the newest member of mystical Body of Christ. At the same time that we celebrate the child, we also honor the parents who are the childâs first teachers and instructors in their faith, the Godparents who represent the faith community and who promise to support the family on their faith journey, and we recognize the ministry team that prepares all involved for this beautiful first Sacrament of Initiation. Prior to the actual Baptism, team leaders meet with the family at our church, and in one evening explain the meaning of the symbols and elements of the sacrament: the water, oil, Baptismal candle, and white garment that will clothe their child. The ministry also includes parishioners who prepare the Baptismal certificates, and sew the Baptismal cloth that is placed on the child. We, as a parish, are so grateful to everyone involved in welcoming our new members, and put out the call to anyone interested in assisting in this ministry. You may contact Winnie Kingsbury at 763-6612 if you would like to give of your time and talent in this way. It is an opportunity to be a part of a joyous event!
Contact RoseMarie Woodruff 762â4278, ext. 14