St Vincent families participate in the religious education program call Family Program, also known as Generations of Faith, it involves every member of the parish, regardless of age, and is specifically geared towards faith instruction that includes the entire parish family. This process takes the place of afternoon CCD classes for elementary school children. It also includes classes for pre-school, junior, and senior high school students. Also included are adult sessions.
We meet monthly to explore our Catholic faith and beliefs. Participants interact to learn, pray, celebrate and share. They are also given a home kit to continue their learning and reflecting at home, and lessons to be completed and returned at the next session. It is a tremendous opportunity for the whole parish to grow together in faith.
Contact the rectory at 762-4278 ext 14
We thank the volunteer catechists who assist in bringing us all into the fullness of our faith, and we acknowledge their stewardship through their time and talent. High School students are always welcome to volunteer to assist the catechist in the catechetical ministries. If you feel inspired to participate or volunteer, you can call the rectory at 762-4278 ext 14. We welcome you into the catechetical ministry!
Three, four, five, and six year olds are invited to attend the preschool classes during the 9:00 a.m. mass between September through June. Parents are welcome and expected to help in the program. Teenagers are needed and welcome to assist.
For more information, to volunteer, or to register, contact the rectory – 762-4278, ext. 14