The Feast of the Epiphany, also known as “Three Kings Day” and “Twelfth Day,” is celebrated in the church. The word epiphany means “manifestation” or “revelation” and recalls the visit of the wise men (Magi) to the Christ child. On this day, it is fitting to celebrate one of St. Vincent’s Outreach Ministries: Birthright. Birthright is an international organization which began in 1968 in Ontario, Canada. This ministry helps women through their pregnancies so they, too, may celebrate the birth of their child. With the support of our Petaluma volunteers, women are guided throughout their pregnancy and up to 24 months after their child’s birth. Support includes providing layette, diapers, food, clothing, referrals for housing, and counseling. The program exists solely through donations, and two fundraisers held in the St. Vincent’s Plaza: The Quilt raffle, and the Mother’s Day Rose sale. We gratefully acknowledge the stewardship of these devoted ministers.
If you feel a calling to offer your time and talent to Birthright of Petaluma, please contact Jodi Fitzgerald at 763-9888. Like the Magi, you can partake in the manifestation and celebration of life.
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